Monday 11 April 2011

How can Functional Rehabilitation help my pain


By Darren Macfarlane, Sports Injury & Rehabilitation Specialist

If you are suffering from a reoccurring injury, there is usually an underlying problem where something is not functioning correctly in your body and over time this has lead to causing your injury. This is known as a chronic injury .Instead of focusing on the injury alone, you have to look at the bigger picture to see what is causing it and time and thought must to be taken to rehabilitate this injury properly.

This is where Functional Rehabilitation can help you.

In functional rehabilitation there are four different assessments which are: Postural, Core Function, Range of Motion & Movement. When all of the assessments are carried out and the data is put together, you are given a functional corrective exercise programme. This will prevent future injury and help with your chronic injury.

If your posture is incorrect while standing still then it will be incorrect when you move, this will result in restricting your movement and will make your body unstable through your joints, which will lead to injury and muscle imbalances.

Your body’s Core is designed to work automatically without us knowing, its function is to stabilise the joints of the spine and pelvic girdle therefore if this is not functioning properly it will lead to injury and especially injury of the Lower Back.

The range of motion assessment allows you to assess the flexibility of your muscles and the health of your joints, it also lets you know where there is a presence of pain and inflammation. In everyday life we move, that is why movement needs to be assessed so that we can see if the muscles that move us, and the muscles that stabilise us during movement are working efficiently.

Why Rehabilitate using Functional Exercises?

As upright human beings we have to combat gravity daily, we do this through all of the movements we make. We climb mountains; take part in all kinds of sports, walk, and run, everything we do involves movement. There is no point in training or rehabilitating your muscles in isolation because we do not use our muscles in isolation – we train with a view to excelling in our chosen sport. Functional exercises tailored to your body will increase your ability to move efficiently and reduce your chronic injury.

A strong foundation of muscular balance and core stability is essential for any athlete. In many athletes their core is not fully developed, weakness and lack of coordination in your core can lead to compensatory movement and strains, overuse and injury. A functional corrective exercise program will prevent future injury as well as improving efficiency & performance.

For more information and advice on Functional Rehabilitation contact our Galway clinic on 086 1957378 


  1. Rehabilitation is absolutely a must for an injured person. This is because they have professional people that handle the healing and recovery of injuries. A sports-injury specialist can plan and implement the proper treatment required, depending on the injury.
    - Gwen Knight

  2. I agree with Gwen. Rehabilitation can help injured people to get back to their usual routine. Without the help of physical therapist, it'll be hard for them to cope and surpass the pain of being injured. Thanks for this post, Darren. Hope readers will be enlightened as well. :)

    Sandie Derouin @

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