Wednesday 6 April 2011

Good Static Stretchs


Gastrocnemius stretch
·                    Stand with the leg to be stretched at the back and hands on a wall at shoulder height.
·                    Bend the front knee and lean forwards, keeping the back knee straight and the heel down.
·                    When you can feel a stretch, hold for 20-30 seconds.
·                    If you feel the stretch ease off, lean further forwards until you can feel it again.

Repeat 3 times each time and 3-5 times a day

Stretching the Soleus muscle
·                    Stand in front of a wall, with the leg to be stretched at the back and hands on the wall at shoulder height.
·                    Bend both knees into a squat position, keeping the heels on the floor.
·                    Lean forwards slightly so your weight is on the balls of your feet, but keep the heels down!
·                    Once you can feel a stretch, hold for 20-30 seconds.
·                    If the stretch eases off, lean further forwards or bend the knees lower until you can feel it again.

Repeat 3 times and do this 3-5 times a day

Stretching using a step
·                    If you have very flexible calf muscles, or as you progress you may need to use a step to achieve a better stretch.
·                    This should be performed instead of the above gastrocnemius stretch. You don't need to do both!
·                    Stand with the toes on the step and heel off the back
·                    Make sure you have something to hold on to
·                    Lower the heels off the step until you can feel a stretch
·                    Hold for 20-30 seconds
·                    If you feel the stretch ease off, drop the heels further until you can feel it again.

Repeat 3 times and do this 3-5 times a day
Seated shin stretch
Stretching the muscles on the front of the lower leg can be difficult to achieve. The following are the two easiest ways of doing so.
·                    Kneel down and sit on your heels.
·                    Gently push down on the heels to stretch the front of the leg.
·                    Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.
·                    This stretch can be increased by stretching one leg at a time and gently pulling the knee up

         Standing shin stretch
·                    Stand with your toes of one foot on the floor on the outside of your other foot.
·                    Bend the weight bearing leg to push your other ankle towards the ground.
·                    Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.


Static quadriceps stretch
·                                This can be performed in either standing, or laying on your front.
·                                Pull the foot of the injured leg towards your buttock until you can feel a gentle stretch on the front of the thigh.
·                                To increase the stretch, tilt your hips backwards.
·                                Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Do this at least 3 times a day.

Internal Rotation (Hamstrings)

·                                 Sit with one leg bent and the other straight out in front.
·                                 Rotate the straight leg inwards and lean forward at the hips to feel a stretch under           the thigh (image 1).
·                                 Hold stretch for 30 seconds.
·                                 Repeat the stretch throughout the day at least 5 times.

External Rotation (Hamstrings)

·                                 Sit with one leg bent and the other straight out in front.
·                                 Rotate the straight leg outwards and lean forward at the hips to feel a stretch under        the thigh (image 2).
·                                 Hold stretch for 30 seconds.
·                                 Repeat the stretch throughout the day at least 5 times.

Hip flexor stretch
·                                 This stretch will focus on the Rectus femoris and Iliopsoas muscles.
·                                 Kneel with one knee on the floor and the other foot out in front with the knee bent.
·                                 Push your hips forwards and keep the back upright
·                                 You should feel a stretch at the front of the hip and top of the thigh.
·                                 Hold for 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times, at least 3 times a day.

Short adductor stretch
·                    This will stretch the short adductor muscles that attach to the thigh (above the knee).
·                    Assume the position as shown. Gently press down with the elbows onto the knees to increase the stretch.
·                    If it is painful then stop. You should feel a gentle stretching in the inner thigh.
·                    Hold for 30 seconds, repeat 5 times a day.

Long adductor stretch
·                    This will stretch the long adductor muscles that attach below the knee.
·                    Stand with your feet wide apart as shown, and lean away from the side you are stretching.
·                    Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times a day.


Outer hip stretch
·                    To stretch the muscles that rotate the hip outwards.
·                    Lie on your back and bend the knee of the leg to be stretched.
·                    Use the opposite hand to pull the knee over to the side as shown opposite.
·                    You should feel this in the hip and buttocks.
·                    Hold stretch for 30 seconds, repeat 3-5 times and stretch 3 times a day.

Piriformis stretch  90/90
·                    Sit on the floor with both your front and back legs bent to 90-degrees.
·                    The angle of your groin should also be 90-degrees.
·                    Place your hand on the ground next to your hip.
·                    Tip your pelvis as though it was a bowl and you were trying to pour the contents out over your belt. Imagine sticking your but back like Donald duck.
·                    You should have an increased curvature of your lower back. Keep the curve in your low back and your chest and head up as you move forward over front leg.
·                    When you feel a comfortable stretch in your outer thigh and hip ,inhale and press the front knee and ankle firmly into ground for 5 seconds. Exhale and move farther into stretch.


Lower Back Stretch
·                    Lie on your back.
·                    Pull  knees up to chest as far as they will go.
·                    Hold for 10 + seconds repeat 5 times
This exercise stretches the muscles around the lumbar vertebrae

Cat Stretch:
·                                 Start on your hands and knees.
·                                 Arch your back upwards, like an angry cat, hold for a couple of seconds and then         arch the back downwards, like a happy cat.
·                                 Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times

Knee Rolling:

·                                 Lie on your back as above with the knees bent.
·                                 Slowly lower both knees to the left whilst turning the head to the right.
·                                 Bring the knees up again and to the right whilst looking left.
·                                 Repeat this movement 10 times

Side stretch(quadratus lumborum)

·                                 Standing upright, lift one arm above your head.
·                                 Lean over to one side as far as is comfortable.
·                                 Hold for 10-20 seconds.

Pulling knee up(Back)

·                                 Lie on your back with both legs out straight.
·                                 Raise one knee gently up to the chest and bring the head up to meet it.
·                                 Lower the knee back down and repeat with the other leg.
·                                 Repeat the exercise 10 times on each leg.


Front of shoulder stretch (pecs)
·                                 Place the arm to be stretched against a wall and gently turn away.
·                                 Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat 5 times.
·                                 Stretch at least every day.
·                                 If any pain is felt then discontinue and rest.
·                                 A gentle stretch at the front of the shoulder should be felt but no pain.

Front of Shoulder against a wall (pecs):

·                                 Place one forearm against a fixed point (such as a doorway), with the elbow and            shoulder at 90 degrees.
·                                 Gently turn your body away to stretch the front of the shoulder and chest.
·                                 Again, hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.
·                                 The athlete should feel a gentle stretch in the front of the shoulder but not pain.

Doorway Stretch
·                    The arm is placed behind the top of a doorway or similar and the athlete moves forwards whilst maintaining contact with the top of the doorway.
·                    A stretch should be felt in the front of the shoulder.
·                    Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Back of Shoulder (rotator cuff):

·                                 Place one arm across your chest and pull it in tight with the other.
·                                 The athlete should feel a gentle stretch at the back of the shoulder.
·                                 Again, hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.
·                                 The athlete should feel a gentle stretch in the back of the shoulder but not pain

Extension stretch (biceps)
·                    The arm is placed  from the side, as far backwards as it will go while keeping the palm of the hand facing downwards
·                    This position is then increased to stretch the front of the shoulder
·                    This can be done either with a partner assisting by passively pulling the arm backwards and upwards or by placing the hand on a table behind and lowering the body to increase the stretch

Supraspinatus stretch
·                    Place one hand on your lower back and pull the elbow forwards using the other hand.
·                    Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat 5 times assuming there is no pain. If it is painful then discontinue.
·                    The athlete should feel a gentle stretch in the shoulder, but not pain. 

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