Monday 18 July 2011



By Darren Macfarlane, Sports Injury & Rehabilitation Specialist

Sciatica is quite a common complaint which is caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve which runs down the leg. This pressure causes pain in the lower back also with pain which can radiate down one or both legs.

Causes of pressure
·  Herniated or bulging disc
·  Disc degeneration
·  Muscle Tension in gluts and piriformis muscles
·  Bony growths
·  Tumors
·  Infections

The most common cause is from a herniated/ bulging disc or a tight piriformis muscle. Five sciatic nerves run from the lower back down the leg. When excessive stress is put on the spine this can damage the discs. These discs are filled with a gelatinous substance and when the disc is damaged the jelly-like centre squeezes out and puts pressure on the spinal cord compressing the sciatica nerves causing pain to run down leg and sometimes as far as the calf and foot.

The piriformis muscle is located adjacent to the sciatic nerve and if tight can impinge the nerve also causing pain.

·  Acute low back pain.
·  Constant sharp pain which radiates down leg sometimes as far as the calf or foot.
·  Pain may be worse by sitting for long periods, coughing or sneezing, lifting heavy objects or moving your back will increase pain.
·  Pins and needles may be felt in the back of the leg.
·  Numbness in the buttock leg or foot.
·  Pain can be better in morning after a nights rest.
·  Muscle spasms in lower back.
·  Weakness in big toe or ankle.

Sciatica Treatment:
·  Rest and avoid bending or lifting heavy objects.
·  Apply heat packs or a hot bath may help relax muscles and relieve muscle spasm.
·  Lying on the floor in the psoas position may relax muscles.
·  See a sports injury specialist or doctor for a diagnose and treatment.
·  Begin a rehabilitation programme under the guidance of your sports injury specialists.

For diagnose and treatment of sciatica .Give me a call at our Galway Clinic for an Appointment on 086 1957378 

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